As the economy opens, many efforts are underway to recover from the lost past 3 years. The global and Ugandan economies are opening up and picking up pace from where it all ended back in 2019 due to the pandemic restrictions. On Tuesday, 1st of February 2022, the Uganda Export Promotions Board (UEPB) was held as an online one-of-a-kind B2B and cultural “Belgium-Uganda Business and Cultural Exchange” event between the Uganda & Belgium IT sectors.
UEPB with Close the Gap, and ATIS and collaboration from Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), ICTAU, NITA-U, and AGORIA Belgium have established a framework to jointly organize a Hybrid B2B event for the exchange of information and good practices, exploration of business opportunities, and fostering the development of cooperation actions and projects between IT business and innovators from Uganda and Belgium with a focus on innovation for social development by NGOs.
The organizing partners, UEPB, ATIS, and Close the Gap have come together to make this event possible, with the support from UEPB and ENABEL, and invited speakers from both Belgium and Uganda under the theme “Bridging the digital divide through collaborative innovation for socio-economic transformation.”
This event represents an opportunity for stakeholders in Belgium and Uganda to build and strengthen lasting relationships. Indeed, organizations have the chance to identify existing innovation tools available for social-economic transformation and build partnerships with each other.
The partnership between Europe and Africa is historically prominent. In recent years, it has gained momentum, and rightfully. There is a multitude of benefits attached for partners involved. Through such events, companies and organizations will get new partners and gain potential for global expansion. There are also spillover effects that may benefit employees. As a wise man said:
“Everyone you meet knows something you don’t.”
Bill Nye
Not only learning from each other but also creating together by exchanging ideas, innovations, challenges, entrepreneurs can contribute together to create something. Two minds are better than one, so I will let you imagine how value-adding 10+ minds are.
That is how crucial those initiatives are. As companies fall back from the pandemic effects coupled with the need for social-economic transformations, this event is a grand step into the future of possibilities for all stakeholders and will result in much-needed innovations on the global market.
The event hosted crucial speakers representing both governments such as the Belgian ambassador in Uganda, IT sectors, the D4D expert of ENABEL Uganda, and Five (5) Belgian and Ugandan Businesses Executives. The companies took turns to present their area of expertise thereafter followed by interactive sessions for networking opportunities. Our CEO, Isaac Neuwelt, even pitched the company’s offers.
Venue: Hybrid (Both physical & Online)
When: 01.02.2022 at 9:30 AM (EAT)
Zoom: (Passcode: 716602)